Stella's Tips July 22, 2024

Three Common Myths Facing Buyers Today and How to Overcome Them

The process to buying a home can be filled with joy and excitement, but there are also a lot of facts involved that are mixed with nuances and regulations that can easily become confusing and difficult to understand. My mission is to make all of this as seamless as possible for you and your loved ones.

Let’s uncover some of the hurdles and myths that are especially prevalent for buyers today, and how to overcome them.

MYTH #1 You need to wait to have a better credit score, for interest rates to drop, for your house to sell, etc. 

What are you waiting for? Don’t let time slip away. You don’t need to wait or postpone your dreams any longer, especially if you haven’t actually talked about it with a licensed REALTOR®. You may just very well be surprised at what you’ll be able to find once you let go of the idea of waiting for ‘the perfect moment.’

It’s possible for you, right now in this very moment, I can assure you. Carpe diem, seize the day.

MYTH #2 It’s cheaper to rent than it is to buy.

Not necessarily! When you’re investing money into a home, you are building equity, generational wealth and even just personal abundance, and clients are often surprised at how much home they can actually afford, especially once we compare it to their current monthly payment. There are also greater liberties with owning a home and tons of other benefits that would take me way too long to go into detail here. You can schedule a time with me to learn more.

MYTH #3 It can take 6 months to a year before moving into my dream home, so I can put off the search.

Everyone’s process has their own unique needs, and therefore the timeline can vary drastically. You don’t have to put the search off just because you think the process will take forever, because in all honesty, it doesn’t have to. It can be a breeze, while also having a lot of fun and learning a lot about yourself along the way.

When you decide that you’re ready for the change, doors will open for you.

So that’s all that I have for today! If you like what you read, please subscribe to my blog. If you’d like to meet with me one on one, perhaps over coffee or even virtually, just let me know!

Let’s find your dream home today!